The Qing Inventions

The Qing Dynasty was the last dynasty that China ever had, so they didn't have very much inventing left to do. What they could do though, was improve things. The Qing Dynasty noticed that bridges could only go so far. In 1803 they built the first suspension bridge with wood and chains called The Anlan Bridge.The Qing also were skilled in the making of paper, and were the creators of printing production. Chinese painters and musicians took on European styles of art, and created many different kinds of beautiful paintings and vases. Some less important inventions that don't really effect our time included, a cart with a sail, and a more effective way to gather wheat. What the Qing did do though, was discover magnetism naturally, and then published the discovery.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. The statement that "they didn't have very much inventing left to do" is patently untrue! Disappointed that this page keeps coming up in the top 10 search engine results when it has so little to offer.
